Embrace Grace Leader

Robin’s Story

I'm currently leading my seventh Embrace Group, and God reveals something new to me every semester. It doesn't matter how many times I go through the curriculum; there's always a revelation God gives me that pertains to my life season.

Before Embrace Grace, I spent 20 years as a newborn photographer. I had a very successful business. I've written and published a book and traveled worldwide, teaching about newborn photography. I got stuck thinking this was my purpose until God changed that for me. Doors just started closing out of nowhere! All the busyness stopped–I wasn't getting as many clients, and I was like, what is going on?? I've had consistent clients for many years, so the lack of business was very strange. During this confusion, I felt God telling me, "You're done; you need to shut that door." And I didn't want to listen because I didn't know what I would do without my business. I fought what God was telling me to do for about two years. But the feeling got so strong that I was like, okay, I need to listen to what God is telling me to do even if I'm not seeing the reason for it. 

A few months later, I saw Embrace Grace on a bulletin board at my church, which piqued my curiosity. I checked out the website, and immediately, it spoke to my heart. I was a single mom at 17 years old. Throughout my photography career, I teamed up with a local program where I photographed teen moms and their babies for free. So when I saw the website, it just touched my heart. Before I led a group, I helped out on the digital side. I was behind the scenes taking pictures. When I attended my first Princess Day, I knew this was what God wanted me to do. It had nothing to do with photography– He wanted me to help lead. So, I became a co-leader and began taking newborn photos of our moms for them to have as a gift. And to think God has been preparing me my whole life to do this!

When I started leading, it wasn't me jumping in alone. We had a team. I've never felt alone in the process. I remember being scared because I didn't know if I was equipped to do this, but everything was laid out for us in the curriculum. And the support for leaders goes beyond the curriculum. There had been times when we'd set up a Zoom meeting with Embrace Grace group coordinators when we needed to talk or help with things. 

The foundation of support helps us lead better. It is also a strong foundation for our moms. Most of them are scared of the church because of past experiences. And some of them have never even picked up a Bible. But we've seen God provide an answer for every situation. And I love how there are scriptures intertwined into every chapter. The curriculum even gives suggestions of visuals for everything we are teaching them. It's kind of like how Jesus spoke through parables. The lightbulbs just turn on when they see relatable visuals that help the lesson make more sense.  

I'm currently leading my seventh Embrace Group, and God reveals something new to me every semester. It doesn't matter how many times I go through the curriculum; there's always a revelation God gives me that pertains to my life season. And it's not just a class–we are involved in these moms' lives and vice versa! Every group becomes a part of my family. I think God knew I needed this because I have three daughters who are all grown up and moved out, so I'm an empty nester. Leading Embrace Grace has truly filled a void in my heart. I get to be the mom that some of our brave girls need, and it's such a blessing!

We are in this with you!

Find a place of belonging in a support group for moms with unexpected pregnancies or single, young moms and dads. 

Read more Embrace Grace

Mom with Unexpected Pregnancy
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Mom with Unexpected Pregnancy
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Mom with Unexpected Pregnancy
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Mom with Unexpected Pregnancy
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Mom with Unexpected Pregnancy
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Embrace Grace Leader
I'm currently leading my seventh Embrace Group, and God reveals something new to me every semester! It doesn't matter how many times I go through the curriculum; there's always a revelation God gives me that pertains to my life season.
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My baby was unplanned by me but planned by God. He knew my child would save my life and restore my family.
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It's such a supportive environment. We've created true friendship with each other. 
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One thing Embrace Life has helped me see is that God always provides. Putting my trust in Him has opened so many doors of opportunity for me.
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