Pregnancy Centers
and Churches
Working Together

Strengthen relationships with local churches by serving your clients together through Embrace Grace support groups.

"Pregnancy Centers are the first response team.
The Church is the hospital."

How it Works

A single woman has an unexpected pregnancy.
She goes to a pregnancy center for help.
Center Gives a Free Love Box with an invite to an Embrace Grace Group.
She receives support from both the church and the center simultaneously.
Church throws her a baby shower. Church better understands the services that the PHO provides.
She receives salvation and heart is healed.
Baby is born and generations changed.
Mom is now part of a spiritual family through the church.
All Pregnancy Centers that have an Embrace Grace support group near them are eligible for FREE Love Boxes!

Benefits for Your Pregnancy Center

Get Free Love Boxes
to give to your clients to inspire life and give hope.
Connect Your Clients
to safe churches that will be a spiritual family for her
Build Strong Relationships
with churches as you serve your clients together

Connect Your Clients to Local Support Groups in Churches

Embrace Grace Curriculum

For Single + Pregnant Women

Embrace Grace is a 12 week support group for women with unexpected pregnancies. Through dynamic teachings and personal testimonies of women who have walked in their shoes, this Biblically-based curriculum introduces young moms to Jesus and focuses on her identity and worth in Him. Leaders have access to our virtual training, Study Guides and powerful digital curriculum– and every church throws the moms a baby shower! As the attendees experience the love of God through His people, they are getting plugged into a spiritual family and raising their kids in the church!

Embrace Life Curriculum

For Young Single Moms

Embrace Life is a 20 week support group for young, single moms. Through dynamic teachings and personal testimonies of women who have walked in their shoes, this Biblically-based curriculum is gospel-focused and empowers moms practically, spiritually and emotionally. Leaders have access to our virtual training, Study Guides and powerful digital curriculum! As the attendees experience the love of God through His people, they are getting plugged into a spiritual family and raising their kids in the church!

Embrace Legacy Curriculum

For Young Fathers

Embrace Legacy is a 11 week support group for young fathers. Through dynamic teachings and personal testimonies of young men that became a dad unexpectedly, this Biblically-based curriculum is gospel-focused and empowers them practically, spiritually and emotionally. Leaders have access to our virtual training, Study Guides and powerful digital curriculum! As the attendees experience the love of God through His people, they are getting plugged into a spiritual family and raising their kids in the church!

Get FREE Love Boxes for your clients! 

We have given over 105,000 Love Boxes away mostly through pregnancy centers to be placed in the hands of their clients. Our hope is that each box inspires a life decision, helps a new mom know that she is not alone, and connects her to a local Embrace Grace group.

Connect your clients to local churches that will link arms with your center! 

Schedule a call with our team.
Check our directory if any local groups in your area.
Submit your request form to request your free Love Boxes.
Start connecting your clients to churches and serve her together
“I’ve witnessed Embrace Grace rally around my clients and support them through very difficult circumstances. Embrace Grace is important for these moms because many of them want to keep their babies but don’t know where to get the help they need, which pushes them to abortion. I’ve seen the Love Box draw moms to tears because they didn’t know anything like Embrace Grace existed. Embrace Grace has been invaluable for my clients!”
- Keri Ann, Nurse Manager of Hands of Hope
"We had a client who came to our center and was given a Love Box, which resulted in her signing up for a local Embrace Group and the Parenting Program at our center. She completed both programs, and a few staff from the center were able to attend the beautiful baby shower hosted by the church we work with. The outpouring of love was evident! Embrace Grace is showing these women that they are indeed all that the Lord says they are.”
- Ericka Davis, Lowcountry Pregnancy Center
“Embrace Grace is like a bridge, and it’s helped us stay in better touch with our clients. We do follow-ups with them, but sometimes, we are unable to contact them. But once they get connected to Embrace Grace, we have a dialogue with the church and see where they are going and what they are doing. And that strengthens us to know we are on the right track and we are doing something good.”
- Rhonda Jordan, Director of Client Services of Next Step Women’s Center
“Because of the pregnancy center protocols and procedures, even though we have volunteers at the center, the church is put in a hands-off position because of some of the privacy and HIPAA laws. Having the women come to our church and be a part of the Embrace Grace small group allows our church to have a better and broader understanding of what is happening at the pregnancy center and allows us to do life with the moms. It’s a great marriage.”
- Brian Zdrojowry, Senior Pastor of Awaken Church

Check out these ideas on how Pregnancy Centers and Churches can partner together! 

Download our FREE guide for strengthening church relationships

It’s better together! 

Do you have questions about partnering with Embrace Grace? We’ve got answers!