Host a Love Box Packing Party!

Host a Love Box Packing Party at your church or business! We ship the items to you unassembled along with an outreach event planning kit. Once you assemble your boxes, you give them to local Pregnancy Centers in your area to place in the hands of their clients to inspire life decisions!

What’s in a Love Box

At your Love Box packing party, you will assemble Love Boxes that include items that empower her to choose life and lets her know that there is a church family that wants to open their doors and hearts to her. Check out the items that you will assemble in your Love Boxes!

Open Lovebox

How to Host a Love Box Packing Party 

Fill Out Love Box Party Form
Chat with Our Team
Sign Agreement 
Purchase your Love Box Party Kit

Over 90,000 Love Boxes have been distributed around the nation to women with unexpected pregnancies!

New moms like these are feeling empowered in their life decisions.
“The night before my scheduled appointment, I couldn't sleep, so I read the book A Bump in Life from cover to cover. Compared to mine, the women's lives in that book seemed so much harder, and I started thinking if they could do it, then I could too; And after hearing Amy's story during our first class, I knew that Embrace Grace was where I was supposed to be.” - Maddie
“When God said, "I'll take care of you," He already had Embrace Grace in mind. My baby was born in the NICU, and I missed out on the precious moments most moms get with their newborns, and that was very difficult for me. Even though it didn't take the pain away, Embrace Grace was there for me. They supported me through that tough time and lifted some burdens off my shoulders.” - Shanese

It’s better together! 

We can help you get involved in the pro-love movement!