Unplanned Pregnancy Support Groups

About Embrace Grace

Embrace Grace provides women experiencing unplanned pregnancies with emotional, spiritual, and practical support through the church. Our ultimate goal is simple: to equip the church with the provisions to encourage and love pregnant young women and those who love them. Through Embrace Legacy, we also provide support for single fathers, who often are left to their own devices to cope with and handle single fatherhood or a partner's unplanned pregnancy. We prepare and guide dads through the biggest changes they will ever experience with the same loyalty and understanding we extend to single moms. Therefore, we're proud to introduce you to our support groups for single and pregnant moms and single dads. We have three groups, and each offers unique support that impacts the lives of people every single day: Embrace Grace: A support group for single and pregnant moms, Embrace Life: A support group for single moms, and Embrace Legacy: A support group for single dads. We know how scary, unnerving, and stressful an unexpected pregnancy can be. We've seen how alone parents can feel. We're here to help because we know what it's like. Our communities are judgment-free groups of loving people who know how much the right support matters. Our three groups provide that support to change lives for the better.

Embrace Support Group for Single and Pregnant Moms

Every woman impacted by an unexpected pregnancy can feel fear, apprehension, and anxiety, regardless of their past or present situation. Our Embrace Grace support group was founded to ease those feelings and provide a shining light for women who choose to parent their children or place them for adoption. Women who join our Embrace Grace support group will meet every week for 12 weeks with women who have gone through similar experiences. Women in the group share their stories and offer shoulders to lean on, tips, suggestions, praise, and support in every way that's needed. When you become a part of Embrace Grace, you will forge new friendships that can last a lifetime. The support network we can help you build is strong, stable, and life-changing. You will even receive a baby shower in your honor, hosted by your new friends.

Embrace Grace Support Groups

We believe no single or expectant mom should walk alone, and we do everything possible to ensure none have to. Our mission is to save lives, two at a time! Here are some our our current support group locations. Arkansas: Mayflower, Kansas: Topeka, North Carolina:Chapel Hill, Pennsylvania: Indiana, South Dakota: Sioux Falls, Tennessee: Dayton, Texas: Buffalo, and Georgia: Marietta

Embrace Life Support Group for Single Moms

Our Embrace Life support group is founded on the idea that many times, moms need support after the birth of a baby even more than they did while the baby was still in the womb. We're here to empower single moms and help them cultivate a background in discipleship that nurtures their confidence in their parenting. This support group for single moms meets for 22 weeks, either in person or online. These 22 weeks are divided between two semesters. We hold special events at the end of these semesters to celebrate each and every mom, confirming what God speaks to each of them. Our communities are formed with the goal of helping every single mom in the program embrace life. We genuinely believe that there is strength both in numbers and in God. Together through our Embrace Life support groups, we aim to forge friendships that remain long after meetings end. These relationships are centered on Christ and give each mom the strength to continue pursuing her dreams.

Embrace Life Support Groups

Single moms are encouraged to follow God's plan for each of them and lean on other support group moms to help them overcome challenging times but shine through them. Here are some our our current support group locations. Missouri: St. Louis, Pennsylvania: Indiana, Colorado: Castle Rock, and Georgia: Douglasville.

Embrace Legacy Support Group for Single Dads

The Embrace Legacy support group for single dads provides the support dads need to become empowered in creating a new legacy with their children that's all their own. Our support groups for single dads are judgment-free communities of fathers who know what single dads are going through. They've "been there" and "done that" and are determined to empower other dads to reach their goals, no matter what challenges lie ahead of them. Whether men aspire to be like their fathers or want to be the father they wish they had, Embrace Legacy motivates so many men to do that. They are given the tools and support they need to push through, love their children, and fight to be exactly who they want to be and who their children need. Regardless of the decisions single dad has made or what their past contains, Embrace Legacy helps them shape their stories into what they always hoped they'd be. Group members support each other, give advice, and form friendships beyond meetings and gatherings.

Embrace Legacy Support Groups

If this support is what you or someone you know needs to become empowered to be the best dad possible, Embrace Legacy may be your answer. Here are some our our current support group locations. Tennessee: Chapel Hill, Georgia: Douglassville, and Texas: Hurst.

Join A Support Group Today

God placed every single mom, pregnant mom, and single dad on this earth to fulfill a destiny, add love to the world, and live by Christ's plans. When moms and dads answer this call, they cannot fail, and our support groups for single parents provide the support they need to succeed.Whether you're single and pregnant, already a single parent or you feel the calling to start a support group at your church, reach out to us! We witness lives saved and changed daily by God's grace and love, and our support groups impact each precious life they touch to change the world for the better.Above all else, don't discredit your ability to positively impact the world by making decisions that are grounded in love, grace, and support for you and your baby.

Start A Support Group At Your Church

If you want to learn more about our support groups for pregnant moms, single moms, and single dads, or if you are interested in starting a group, contact us today.