Embrace Grace exists to help inspire and equip the church to love and encourage single and pregnant young women and their families. Through kindness, compassion, and love, lives are saved from abortion every day. We have a rapidly growing global network of over 900 pregnancy support groups. Through our relevant content and relational groups model, we help pregnant women realize they can have their dreams and babies. Our support groups help moms and their families find a place of hope and belonging. Leaders are empowered to walk alongside these young women with ongoing support and virtual training.
If you want to lift the men or women in your neighborhood who are brave and need you, you can start a support group in your community. We have impacted every support group member's precious gift of life through a biblically-based curriculum, genuine compassion, God's love, and other resources. There are no upfront costs to start a group; what you do with it and the pregnancy resources you provide could make all the difference to a single parent in need. Contact Embrace Grace to learn more about starting or joining a group today.