Resources for Single Mothers

Resources and a Guiding Hand for Single Mamas

Dear Brave Mama, We see you and understand your unique challenges as a single mom. At Embrace Grace, we believe in providing love, guidance, and connections to resources that can make your journey a little easier. We're here to guide you, connecting you with your needed support and resources. Together, these organizations form a network of compassion, understanding, and practical assistance, all aligned with our faith-driven mission to embrace and uplift single mamas with unplanned pregnancies.

Resources for Single Moms

At Embrace Grace, we're committed to helping you by connecting you with organizations that truly understand your needs. That's why we've partnered with Her Plan and For Every Woman, two remarkable resources dedicated to supporting single mamas.

Financial Assistance

Are you struggling with finances? You're not alone, and there's help available. Through connections with organizations like Her Plan, we can guide you to financial assistance, legal help, and even childcare support. God provides, and we're here to help you find the way!

Medical and Prenatal Care

Your health and your baby's well-being are precious. Whether you need prenatal care, mental health support, or recovery assistance, our partners at Her Plan are here with compassionate care. We want you to get the care you need!

Housing Assistance and Solutions

A safe home is a loving home. With the guidance of For Every Woman, we can help you find stable housing solutions. Let's build a nurturing environment for you and your child!

Join A Support Group

Please find a support group near you if you need support, encouragement, or understanding. We can find hope, strength, and grace in our community.

Career & Education Help and Opportunities

Dreaming of a fulfilling career and education? God has a plan for you, and we're here to connect you with resources from Her Plan and For Every Woman. You can have your baby and your dreams too!

Dreaming of a fulfilling career and education? God has a plan for you, and we're here to connect you with resources from Her Plan and For Every Woman. You can have your baby and your dreams too!

Trusted National Organizations

We've partnered with organizations that share our values and offer comprehensive support. From legal assistance to childcare, adoption to housing, Her Plan and For Every Woman are ready to assist you.

Embracing Support and Faith: Our Commitment to You

You're not alone on this journey. Embrace Grace is here to walk beside you, connecting you with support groups in your area. Our faith guides us to serve with love and compassion, and our church community is ready to embrace you!