Help for Pregnant Women

At Embrace Grace, our vision is for every mom with an unexpected pregnancy to have a church to turn to for hope and healing.

Options + Help for Pregnant Women

If a woman with an unexpected pregnancy turns to your church for help, it's essential to provide her with physical, spiritual, and emotional support. Here are some resources and actions your local churches can offer:

Local Pregnancy Centers

Knowing who and where your local pregnancy centers are is essential. These are pro-life donor-funded centers that offer free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds as well as a wealth of information on all the resources available in your community to help empower her to make a life decision. This is the first place you would want to connect her to. The pregnancy centers are the first response team, and the church is the hospital.

Start a Support Group

Consider starting an Embrace Grace group at your church. Embrace Grace is a 12-week support group designed for women facing unexpected pregnancies. Your church members can undergo online training and use the the provided curriculum to lead and assist her throughout her pregnancy journey. Hosting a baby shower and helping her get back on her feet can be part of this support. Ultimately, the goal is to guide her back to the heart of Jesus.

Financial Assistance

Unexpected pregnancies often come with financial struggles. You can explore options like financial aid, assistance programs, and grants to help her with essential needs and a financial lifeline. This support can include aid for child care, educational workshops, and access to healthy food.

Community Involvement

Involve your church community in supporting single mothers and pregnant women. Encourage members to provide a reliable vehicle, car repairs, assistance with housing, or rent payments. The importance of a strong support network cannot be overstated.

Spiritual Guidance

Offer spiritual guidance and counseling to help her navigate her pregnancy's emotional and spiritual aspects. Connect her with church leaders or mentors who can provide the necessary guidance and emotional support.

By offering a holistic approach that combines physical assistance, emotional support, and spiritual guidance, your church can be a sanctuary for pregnant women facing unexpected circumstances. This approach ensures that she receives practical help and experiences the love and compassion of a caring community during this challenging time in her life.

How to Help Single Mothers

Finally, ask a few passionately pro-life people in your church to be information brokers for additional resources in your community of people and organizations that have unique ways to help low-income families, maternity homes, food assistance banks, single mom grants for education, childcare assistance programs for low-income individuals, etc. They can create a resource list of information that can be of assistance for her to feel empowered at a moment's notice. The church can play a powerful role in helping her to be brave and choose life. When a woman joins an Embrace Grace support group, she'll find crucial support, love, and empowerment. She needs strength not only to get through the pregnancy but also to thrive with her child. It's essential for there to be designated pro-life church members on hand who know how to help single mothers. Embrace Grace gives churches everything they need to make sure that happens.If you're a single mother facing an unexpected pregnancy, know that help is available. Embrace Grace is a non-profit organization with the single purpose of providing aid to single mothers and doing it in a loving, nurturing, God-centered environment.Many women like you know exactly how you're feeling and what you're going through. No one knows what a new mother is going through, like women who have been pregnant. Joining a support group has many benefits and can help pregnant women in ways you might never have imagined. Embrace Grace serves as the link between pregnancy assistance centers and churches. The support groups available to help moms like you provide a judgment-free community that can become your friends, advocates, and closest allies. You'll be surrounded by women who once thought it impossible to have both their babies and their dreams too!

Whether it's a support group for single mothers, single dads, or women facing unexpected pregnancies, becoming a part of something nurturing, uplifting, and supportive can enormously impact your life. Some of the many benefits include: A safe place to share your emotions, A trustworthy network of like-minded individuals from which to receive guidance, The opportunity to make new friends with people who truly understand you, Access to valuable pregnancy resources, An outlet for venting your fears and concerns, Reduced anxiety and stress, An improved sense of confidence and self-worth, A constant reminder that you're not alone, These are just a few ways joining a support group can change your life — and that of your child — for the better. There are no better experts on how to help single mothers than other single mothers. When those women come together, the impossible becomes possible.

Chances are that there are other women like you in your community who need a little help being brave. Starting a support group with Embrace Grace can make a difference in their lives. We provide everything churches need to run support groups for single mothers and fathers. We've supplied more than 4,300 church members across the nation with a curriculum to help both men and women. Embrace Grace has helped countless struggling parents in times of financial need, hardship, and crisis, and we want to help you. There are no membership fees, start-up costs, or annual dues to pay — only real people offering real love, support, resources, and understanding in His name. It’s all part of the pro-love movement to empower pregnant women and single parents, cultivating courage and compassion in them. Being surrounded by love and support serves to lay the foundation of those virtues and others. Start a group and make a difference.

Other Ways To Help

There are many other ways to get involved aside from starting or assisting support groups for pregnant women and single parents. Embrace Grace is a non-profit organization that accepts donations to help reach women across the country who need help. Donations allow us to continue equipping churches with much-needed support group materials, ultimately saving lives in more ways than one. Pregnancy centers across the country always welcome assistance from the members of their local communities, whether through donations, volunteering, or other actions that demonstrate a commitment to providing help for pregnant women. For example, you might host a “Share the Love” event, during which you and your friends, family, and other community members can assemble Love Boxes which will be distributed to pregnancy centers to give women hope for the future. To get started providing help for pregnant women or to learn more about joining a support group, reach out to Embrace Grace today.